
miễn dịch với Covid-19 không kéo dài

Should it be feared that immunity to Covid-19 does not last?

The decrease in antibodies in the blood is not an indication that your immune system is not resistant to the corona virus, or it is not a sign that we cannot develop vaccines for disease prevention. Over the past several months, a lot of scientific studies – with or without review – have shown that the antibody response of people infected with SARS-Cov 2 has decreased dramatically within 2 months. The press reports have raised fears that the immunity of [...]

Bí quyết dinh dưỡng dự phòng lây nhiễm COVID-19 (nCoV)


In addition to COVID-19 (nCoV) infection prevention measures as recommended by the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization, ensuring adequate nutrition and maintaining an active, healthy lifestyle. plays a very important role in helping to improve immunity and prevent disease. A food-diversity diet, full and balanced with macronutrients and micronutrients that are crucial to immune system function, can help reduce risk as well as shorten duration cure. However, even for healthy people who are not yet sick, [...]

Chế độ ăn kiêng keto

Should you try the Keto Diet?

The keto diet is touted as a miracle weight loss method, but such a diet is a medical diet with potential health risks. In a variety of weight loss diets, the high-protein low-carbohydrate diet gets a lot of attention. The Paleo, South Beach, and Atkins diets all fall into this group, and they are sometimes referred to as the keto diet. However, the keto diet in the true sense is not. Unlike low-carb diets, which only focus on protein, the [...]

Ngủ và hệ miễn dịch

Sleep and inflammation

The discovery of reciprocal connections between the central nervous system, sleep and the immune system has shown that sleep enhances immune defences and that afferent signals from immune cells promote sleep. One mechanism by which sleep is proposed to provide a survival advantage is in terms of supporting a neurally integrated immune system that might anticipate injury and infectious threats. However, in modern times, chronic social threats can drive the development of sleep disturbances in humans, which can contribute [...]

Khuẩn ruột và Hệ miễn dịch niêm mạc

Intestinal Bacteria and Mucosal Immune system

In the intestinal tract of mammals such as humans and mice, there are billions of bacteria, viruses and fungi, collectively known as microbiota; They peacefully coexist with the intestinal mucosal immune system due to the separation by a cellular mesenteric barrier. The question is whether gut bacteria is good or bad and what it means for the health and immune system. Observations from the 60s of the last century showed that germ-free mice exhibited underdevelopment of some immune organs as [...]


Researches on Activity of NK cells in Cancer and in Obstetric

Researches on Activity of NK cells in Cancer: Hou H, Mao L, Wang J, Liu W, Lu Y, Yu J, Zhou Y, Mao L, Wang F, Sun Z. Establishing the reference intervals of NK cell functions in healthy adults. Hum Immunol. 2016; 77:637-642 Takeuchi H, Maehara Y, Tokunaga E, Koga T, Kakeji Y, Sugimachi K. Prognostic significance of natural killer cell activity in patients with gastric carcinoma: a multivariate analysis. Am J Gastroenterol. 2001; 96:574-578 Funa K, Nilsson B, Jacobsson G, Alm [...]